2025 First First Fridays Art Walk – Copy

First Fridays Art Walk

First Fridays Art Walks are monthly community events featuring local artists and venues located in downtown, Bangor, Maine. These Art Walks are produced by volunteers in cooperation with the Bangor Art Society and dozens of local businesses. Art walks typically include a mix of visual, musical, and performing arts spread throughout Downtown Bangor.

Downtown Bangor’s First Fridays Art Walks are MUST visit events. This celebration in our historic downtown shopping, dining, arts and commerce district is held on the first Friday of every month and gives visitors a chance to experience the work of local artists hosted by Downtown businesses. This celebration of art and artists, held in our historic downtown shopping, dining, arts and commerce district, is held on the first Friday of every month.

First Friday Art Walks are produced by volunteers in cooperation with the Bangor Art Society. Venues and artists change every month, so check back for the latest month’s offering!

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Participants in the 2025 First Fridays Art Walk

4-7 pm, January 3, 2025

It looks like fine walking weather on Friday, January 3rd – perfect for the very first First Fridays Art Walk of 2025!

This Friday, be sure to visit

Updated list! These are the participating locations for the FIRST 2025 First Friday Art Walk! Please share with family and friends!

154 Harlow St.

82 Central St.

36 Central St.

54 Columbia St.

60 Columbia St.

15 Cross St.

128 Main St.

This Friday 4-7PM. Located through out @downtownbangor!

Venues and artists change every month, so check back for the latest month’s offering!