The Downtown Bangor Partnership (DBP) is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization that works with property owners, residents, business owners, community organizations, and government entities to advance our collective vision for the future of downtown Bangor.
The Downtown District stretches from a northern boundary of Cumberland, Harlow, and Court Street to a southern boundary along the Penobscot River (Bangor Waterfront) to I-395.
Download a copy of the Downtown Map and brochure!

Downtown Bangor Partnership promotes and markets activities that enhance the distinctive identity of Downtown Bangor which encourages retention and growth of commercial, residential, and cultural life within the Downtown district.
Our primary goal is to develop and maintain a healthy economy in Downtown Bangor, employing the following strategies to advance this goal: producing and partnering in activities that encourage growth of business, organizational, residential and cultural clusters in the district; reaching out to Downtown stakeholders; enhancing the Downtown environment; promoting a distinctive identity for Downtown Bangor; and considering the appropriateness of the boundaries of the district.
The majority of our organization’s funding is provided by a special assessment tax levied on property owners located in the Downtown District. The remainder of our funds comes from the generous sponsorships and partnerships with local businesses throughout Bangor.
A Board of Directors representing stakeholders in Downtown drive the vision and execution of the plan through the dispensation of the funds. Though the Board of Directors retains executive control of the activities, the majority of the work happens at the Committee level where anyone with a passion for Downtown can join in the fun and help Downtown grow.

Interested in Sponsoring the activities of the Downtown Bangor Partnership?
As the most densely populated area for visitors, workers, and residents north of Portland, projects in Downtown Bangor are highly visible and far-reaching. By creating, promoting, and marketing activities that enhance the distinctive identity of Downtown Bangor, we strive to encourage retention and growth of commercial, residential, and cultural life within the Downtown District. Such projects help make the Downtown District a vibrant, pleasant, and safe place to live, work, and play.
The Downtown Bangor Partnership receives its core funding from a Special Assessment paid by property owners in the Downtown District which covers staff time and overhead. As a result, we are able to execute projects without the need to incorporate operating costs into sponsorships and grants. Sponsor dollars go directly to funding the infrastructure needed to create impactful community assets, host events that target many sectors of the local population and create economic growth for local businesses, and market Bangor to tourists as an arts and culture hub, entertainment, and business district.
As a community-driven nonprofit organization, we are able to supplement the work of our staff with community volunteers who bring their skill, knowledge and elbow grease, contributing hundreds of hours to making Downtown Bangor a more beautiful, vibrant, and economically sustainable environment. Operational since 1988, the longevity of the organization reinforces the value of the services provided.
The Board of Directors and City oversight ensure accountability and delivery of quality projects that are mutually beneficial for both the sponsor and the community. Through email, social media, digital and traditional marketing, we share Downtown Bangor with thousands of business owners, employees, residents, people who have self-identified as interested in Downtown Bangor, and potential visitors across the country.
Your sponsorship helps us keep the momentum and creates opportunities for proportion and engagement that are practical, whimsical, delightful, and meaningful to not only Downtown Bangor, but the region as a whole.
If you would like to learn more about event sponsorship, contact betsy@downtownbangor.com.
Downtown Bangor Partnership (DBP) Board of Directors
President Imke Jandreau
University of Maine
President Imke Jandreau
University of Maine
Vice President Alton Buzzell
Hollywood Casino
Treasurer Sarah Glueck
Dawson, Inc
Secretary Ben Treat
Bangor Public Library
Robbie Beaton
Epstein Realty
Abe Furth
Orono Brewing Company
Sandra Klausmeyer
Bangor Saving Bank
Phil Henry
Canuck Investments
Wayne Johansson
Chimera Coffee
Chris McGrail
Oak View Group
Chris McGrail
Oak View Group
Autumn Tierney
Three Graces Tattoo
Jillian Sarnacki-Wood
Pike Project Development
Dash Davidson
High Tide Capital
George Kinghorn
Zillman Art Museum
Jodi Clayton
One Lupine
Carolyn Fish*
Bangor City Council Liaison
Scott Lavertu*
Greater Bangor Convention and Visitors Bureau
Matt Bishop*
Bangor Historical Society
Kelly Chernot*
Commission on Cultural Development
*non-voting member
Committee Work
Beautification Committee: Responsible for enhancing the look, feel and culture of Downtown Bangor. Major projects include: annual Adopt-A-Garden project which invites over 100 individuals and organizations to plant and maintain gardens and flower boxes throughout Downtown; winter lights which decorates an ever expanding list of lampposts, trees and parks in Downtown; creation of permanent and temporary art in Downtown; general cleaning and maintenance of downtown assets.
Marketing Committee: Responsible for identifying and executing marketing campaigns that best serve the stakeholders Downtown. Major projects include: designing and updating downtownbangor.com; updating and designing the Downtown Bangor brochure; managing social media platforms and messaging; promotion of “retail holidays” like Small Business Saturday.
Events Committee: Responsible for planning and facilitating events in Downtown. Major projects include: Creating and executing the Summer and Fall Sidewalk Art Festivals; organizing and promoting Downtown Trick-or-Treat, Downtown Countdown, Summer Solstice Garden Party. Past projects include the Cool Sounds Concert Series and First Fridays Art Walks.
Networking and Outreach: Responsible for creating and maintaining connections with various stakeholders Downtown and communicating important opportunities. Major projects include: creating welcome baskets for new businesses; hosting quarterly retailer and business meetings; hosting annual Downtown social and Downtown Town Hall; connecting to underrepresented stakeholders to find ways to serve them.
Interested in joining the Board or participating on a subcommittee?
Email Betsy Lundy, betsy@downtownbangor.com to learn more about openings.