Do you live or work in Downtown Bangor, own property in the Downtown District, or simply want to be more involved? The Downtown Bangor Partnership (DBP) is always on the lookout for interested and excited community members — there very well may be a committee or volunteer opportunity tailor-made for you!
Below are the four major committees overseen by the DBP. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer or would like more information please email us .
You can also check out our sponsorship opportunities HERE

Networking & Outreach Committee
The DBP Networking & Outreach Committee’s purpose is to facilitate communication among downtown business owners, employees, residents, DBP board members, and city staff. They hold bi-annual Downtown Town Hall events open to anyone interested in the downtown area, as well as Quarterly Retailer Meetings designed for those who own or manage a business in the Downtown District. With improved communications among stakeholders, the DBP can target events and marketing to better meet the needs of the downtown community.
Marketing Committee
There are many great reasons to visit, live, and work in Downtown Bangor. The DBP Marketing Committee creates and executes innovative promotions, campaigns, and initiatives to get the word out about all the exciting things happening downtown. Marketing Committee collaborates with residents and business owners to showcase to the public, near and far, all of Downtown Bangor’s offerings and to help connect them to those who are interested.
This year’s focus includes expanding the distribution of the downtown map and brochure, working with local organizations like the Convention & Visitors Bureau and Waterfront Concerts, and increasing exposure to the tourism sector of the market, most notably Canada and Midcoast Maine. The Marketing Committee also handles the DBP’s website (hey, that’s where you are right now!) and its social media presence.
Events Committee
The Events Committee works to produce signature events for the DBP that attract audiences to Downtown including the Cool Sounds Summer Concert Series. Events also identifies outside partner organizations and events that are staged in Downtown to offer them support in promotion or production.
Beautification Committee
The Beautification Committee is charged with beautifying and enhancing the distinctive identity of downtown Bangor, which encourages retention and growth of commercial, residential, and cultural life within the downtown district. They are a team of dedicated committee members and more than 200 volunteers giving time, know-how, labor, and capital to make Downtown Bangor a more inviting place.
2016 Beautification events and goals include Spring Clean-Up, Adopt a Garden “Big Dig Day,” planting large street planters and bulbs, Winter Lights decorating, and working with local art programs to display murals in empty storefront windows.