Join us on Saturday, April 22nd from 9am to 12pm in Norumbega Parkway (on Central Street) to celebrate EARTH DAY and help CLEANUP Downtown Bangor! Now that we are seeing more sun, it’s time to spruce up our streets, sidewalks, and parks for another great summer.
We will be picking up trash, painting benches, removing any graffiti, unplugging winter lights, and launching our Invasive Plants Management Project by removing several invasive shrubs.
• Arts & Crafts Swap hosted by the Bangor Public Library
• A planting station hosted by the UMaine Environmental Horticulture & Sustainable Agriculture
• A rock painting station hosted by the Boys & Girls Club
• Lincoln Log Building + Restock the ReStore (donate your gently used furniture, appliances, or building materials) hosted by Habitat for Humanity
• Buskers Aaron Lefebrve & Pauleena Macdougall will be providing the background music for the day
If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out the short form here.
Our 2023 Spring Cleanup and other beautification projects would not be possible without the help of our sponsor Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
This year, we are excited to be able to extend our reach with the help of Hollywood Casino who will be organizing their employees and providing the materials to help clean Main Street!
All of this prep work will clear the way for the Adopt-A-Garden Big Dig Day, which happens May 20th! Wear sturdy footwear, gloves, and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.