Mission & Vision

Downtown Bangor Partnership fosters a vibrant and inviting community in the Downtown District.

Our primary goal is to develop and maintain a healthy economy in Downtown Bangor, employing the following strategies to advance this goal: producing and partnering in activities that encourage growth of business, organizational, residential and cultural clusters in the district; connecting and informing Downtown stakeholders; enhancing the Downtown environment with art, events, gardening, infrastructure projects and hospitality services; promoting a distinctive identity for Downtown Bangor; and considering the appropriateness of the boundaries of the district.

The majority of our organization’s funding is provided by a special assessment tax levied on property owners located in the Downtown District. The remainder of our funds comes from grant writing, the Downtown Tax Increment Fund and the generous sponsorships and partnerships with local businesses throughout Bangor.

A Board of Directors representing stakeholders in Downtown drive the vision and execution of the plan through the dispensation of the funds. Though the Board of Directors retains executive control of the activities, the majority of the work happens at the Committee level where anyone with a passion for Downtown can join in the fun and help Downtown Bangor grow.