Downtown Bangor is a thriving business district with Bangor, boasting the highest concentration of businesses, residents and non profit organizations in the region. Bangor is the economic center for all of central, northern and Downeast Maine and the geographic location and diversity of services in Downtown make it a great place to start a business.
Visit our business directory for a complete listing of businesses.
Already have a business Downtown? List your business in our directory here:
The Downtown Bangor Partnership has resources to support the growth of new business, and the sustainability of those currently located within the district. Downtown has seen incredible growth in the last 10 years and is poised to continue on this trajectory.
What advantages are there to doing business downtown?
- Free inclusion in marketing efforts to grow your business
- Networking opportunities with other Downtown businesses
- Proximity to federal and county courthouses, the postal service, City Hall, countless service providers and retail and restaurants
- Access to a dedicated City Staff member within the office of Community and Economic Development ready to help you navigate your launch
- The character and charm that comes from being located in a downtown on the National Historic Register
- For more about the growth of Downtown Bangor over the last decade, check out this retrospective on Downtown Development

Already a business owner in downtown? Fill out the form and we’ll add you to the business directory!
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