VOA Art Auction

Time: to
Location: Bangor Arts Exchange

The VOA Art Auction is a chance for the novice to show off their work, the experienced artist to help support those in need and an opportunity for patrons to build their collections. The works are created in oil, acrylic, mixed media, pastels, photography, watercolor, stained glass, and more. The auction began as a way to showcase artists of all abilities in Maine while supporting individuals in need.

Join us on Friday, April 5, 2024, at the Bangor Arts Exchange from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The auction will be held online as well. The event and auction support VOA programs throughout Maine by providing essential items such as nonperishable food for a pantry in homes for older adults, winter hats and gloves for unhoused veterans, or a backpack full of school supplies for a deserving Maine 5th or 6th grader.