New Year, New You! Workshop

New Year Workshop 1200 x 600 px 2025
The Spiral Goddess Collective, a Center for Mind/Body Movement

Start off your new year with attention and intention. Explore oracle cards, embodied movement, CBT and somatics, and restorative yoga to reset your nervous system, center your commitment to self-care, and ground your mind/body/spirit. Connect with yourself as we spiral in and connect with others as we spiral out—stepping into a new story with inspiration and practical tools to continue our healing journeys into 2025.

All are welcome, all are wanted, all are needed.

This event is a sliding scale/pay what you can offering. The price for this event is $50. When you register for this event, please use the following “promo code discount” to access the payment option that meets you where you are.
$5off for $45 total price
$10off for $40 total price
$15off for $35 total price
$20off for $30 total price
$250ff for $25 total price
SGCCF for a full scholarship (please contact for this option)

We think that the programs that we offer have a high value, but we also want to make them more accessible to all of the members of our community. Pay what you can/sliding scale pricing is an economic justice initiative. We appreciate you choosing the price option that best fits what you can pay for our services.