Bangor Open Jam & UU Bangor Raffle Sale – First Friday Event – May 5th

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Pocket Park Central Street Bangor ME

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor and Bangor Jams will be coming together to at the Pocket Park on Central Street to inspire **CREATIVITY** and **IMAGINATION**


The Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor will be selling tickets to their annual spring IMAGINE Raffle

Tickets are $20 for a chance to win $5,000 that can be used for home renovation or a whirlwind vacation! There are only going to be a1000 tickets sold and we are excited to share this opportunity with our local community!

Ticket sellers will be tending a table by the Pocket Park on Central street. You can purchase your ticket with cash or venmo or paypal



Bangor Jams, Bangor’s local community musicians group, will be gathering in the Pocket Park on Central Street to sing songs together! This will be an acoustic sing-along, please feel free to drop by with your instrument and join in the fun!

For more information about local Bangor music gatherings: