The Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor and Bangor Jams will be coming together to at the Pocket Park on Central Street to inspire **CREATIVITY** and **IMAGINATION**
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor will be selling tickets to their annual spring IMAGINE Raffle
Tickets are $20 for a chance to win $5,000 that can be used for home renovation or a whirlwind vacation! There are only going to be a1000 tickets sold and we are excited to share this opportunity with our local community!
Ticket sellers will be tending a table by the Pocket Park on Central street. You can purchase your ticket with cash or venmo or paypal
FMI: https://uubangor.org/raffle2023/
Bangor Jams, Bangor’s local community musicians group, will be gathering in the Pocket Park on Central Street to sing songs together! This will be an acoustic sing-along, please feel free to drop by with your instrument and join in the fun!
For more information about local Bangor music gatherings: www.facebook.com/honeybuzzmusicstudio